Saturday, July 25, 2009

Chopix is back!

Hey everyone! Chopix is back! Now you can make fast money! :D If you don't know how to do the Chopix quest, here is how.

  1. Click on Chopix and he will give you some goggles to put on. You can only do the quest with these goggles on.
  2. Get some speed magic OR Cho-Board OR Magnetic Rocket Shoes (blue) (Cho-Board and Magnetic Rocket Shoes are citizen only) Usually 2 or 3 speed magics are enough
  3. After you've used one of the items above, search for spies! (Tip: Spies don't appear inside buildings, Rockemall Street, or Academy)
  4. You get 50 bugs for each spy and 1000 bugs for finding all 5 spies. (If you are a citizen you get double which means 100 bugs for each spy and 2000 bugs for all 5 spies)
Time to earn money :Dchopix

Thursday, July 23, 2009


hey guys choprof is back here is a pic!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New mimo clothes!

you can get the new mimo clothing (green hoodie) at

Monday, July 20, 2009


Hey everyone! There was an awesome party today at Moon-Walk Cafe Street. It was the 700 followers party! Awesome, isn't it? Chobots is getting lots of followers! Hiki made it rain Hiki shirts too! Here is a pic:~Narutofireninja

cool pic!

look i made another cool pic

-smashorama waz here!?!

New clothes and space race comp !

here are some new cloths a cool new ant mask an FLIP FLOPS

Updates on the blog and cho rounds!

as you can see we have improved the GOC very much header is made ny narutofireninja. lately i have seen a bunch of blogs making cho rounds (backgrounds) so i decided to make one my self here it is plz comment and follow ty

-smashorama waz here?!?